why did we lost in Beijing Olympics?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The last time that Philippines had won a medal in the Olympics was in 1996, when Onyok Velasco got a silver medal in Boxing event. Hmmm, so for the last three Olympics, we didn't got even a single bronze medal. Why? For me, Filipinos are very capable of winning different sports event in the Olympics. From all the news that I've heard that Filipinos are very talented, industrious, intelligent and all that. But why can't we be competitive in the Olympics huh? Are we really just for SEA Games? (When the SEA Games was held here, we bagged almost all of the gold medals).

According to a Mr. Rivera (that's what I remembered), the guest of the Tambalang Failon and Sanchez radio show and a commissioner in a sports association, they didn't get enough funds from PAGCOR for the expenses of the athletes. Because the 5% fund that PAGCOR gave them is still subjected to tax. Huh? But according to the law, PAGCOR should hand 5% of their fund excluding taxes for the sake of our athletes. Mr. Rivera also added that Australia have 50% of their budget provid
ed for their athletes. That's why we don't stand a chance to Australia and any other countries. The budget that was supposed to help our athletes was only going to tax (tax huh? If I know, just in THEIR pocket).

RIGHT: President Gloria Arroyo and FG Mike Arroyo attending Beijing Olympics.

The reason why Kenya won in the marathon was because running is in their lifestyle. That's what Mr. Rivera said. Hmmm, Metro Manila is always flooded so water is in our lifestyle, why didn't we won in swimming. Confusing!! ^^