Longest pastillas in the world!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Imagine a 202.6 meter pastillas with a diameter of 5 inches. (Whoa!! Eating this alone will kill you instantly from diabetes..)

The province of Bulacan made that pastillas in celebration of the SINGKABAN festival. I don't have any pictures of the giant pastillas because it was covered when I arrived at the venue. But the time when the cover was removed, I didn't got the chance to take pictures because the pastillas were already gone! Yeah, that fast! People grabbed what they could grab. But thanks for my two classmates, they got 2 kilos of the pastillas. (hehehe..they're good at grabbing). In fairness to the pastillas maker, it tastes good.

After the pastillas, many lechon and roast chicken were given away. We didn't joined this event because we know, we won't stand a chance in having those delicious lechon.

8pm that day, the street party began. The San Miguel Oktober fest started with free drinks. Many famous bands rocked the night. Sadly, I didn't went to the party because of previous commitment.

For me, this is the most festive Singkaban festival that I attended. My mom said that our governor was only trying to make an impression. Oh! I forgot to say that Bong Revilla and Bayani Fernando were also there.